Osta Hoist kuntokeskus Euroopan kotikuntoilun ykköseltä
Kuntolaitteilla ja niiden lisävarusteilla harjoitteleminen vaikuttaa heti positiivisesti terveyteesi ja oloosi. Siksi sinun kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota laatuun ostaessasi kuntolaitetta. Tuotteet Hoist kuntokeskus valikoimasta tarjoavat laatua ja turvallisuutta tehokkaisiin harjoituksiin kotona.
Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 14Innovatiivinen Hoist kuntokeskus V4 Elite on erittäin monipuolinen eikä jätä ainuttakaan toivetta toteuttamatta.
Verrattuna V3 Select:iin on Hoist kuntokeskus V4 Elite:in High End säädettävissä vielä monipuolisemmin ja siinä on parempi 3-D jalkaprässi ja jalka-asema - optimaaleihin ylä- ja alavartalotreeneihin.3.499,00 €-
Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 14Hoist Hackenschmidt jalkaprässi tuo saliharjoitteluun verrattavat toiminnot kotiisi.2.199,00 €
VarastossaThe Multi-power station H-2200 by Hoist combines two stations with separate training places. The mulit-station corresponds to the high requirements of big fitness studios from its workmanship to its large-scale training possibilities.5.499,00 €Esittelykappale alkaen 4.990,00 €
VarastossaThe Hoist Mi7 offers a unique and precious training system of highest technical level. The innovative multi-gym offers an extremely great variety of exercises.7.699,00 €
Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 14Hoist HI-LO talja-asema on erinomainen lisävaruste V4Elite kuntokeskukseen. Siinä 35 askeleen korkeudensäätö, joten sillä voi taatusti tehdä valtavan määrän ylä- ja alavartalonharjoituksia.949,00 €
VarastossaAdjusted to the requirements of the multi gym Hoist V4 Elite, the leg press Hoist V-Ride is an optimal extension of the multi gym. Thanks to the innovative ROX-Technology, the leg press Hoist adjusts to the body position of the sportsman.1.499,00 €
VarastossaThe Hoist Mi5 is one of the most versatile Functional Training multi-gyms, which are available on the fitness market. The extremely space-efficient home gym is equipped with approved unique Hoist features and offers many innovations. The 22 times adjustable height proves clearly how flexible the new Mi5 gym is.2.990,00 €
Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 14The Multi-power station H-4400 by Hoist combines four stations with separate training places of about 6,5 square metres. The Multi-station corresponds to the high requirements of great fitness studios regarding workmanship and the large-scale training possibilities.7.499,00 €
Hoist ROC-IT 101 Seated Dip (Esittelykappale)VarastossaThe high-quality ROC-IT Line outer thigh machine by Hoist. The ROX (Ride Oriented Exercise) technology has revolutionised the fitness market. Dynamic movements activate the muscles and make strength training fun. A healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise is guaranteed by the machine's head and leg support and foot rests. Ideal for innovative gyms and open-minded athletes! Let's ROC-IT®!4.955,00 €
Hoist RS Prone Leg Curl (Esittelykappale)VarastossaDynamic adjustment is the keyword for the Hoist commercial strength machines of the RS-Line like the Prone Leg Curl with 81 kg weight block. Due to the patented ROC-IT tilting motion while exercising, the joints are stressed to a minimum for maximum training efficiency. Your customers will love it.4.899,00 €
Hoist RS Pec Fly / Butterfly (Esittelykappale)VarastossaThe unique butterfly station from the ROC-IT Line by Hoist. The ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology revolutionises the fitness market. The dymanic motion leads to the highest possible activation of the muscles and makes strength training fun. Furthermore, the tilting movement of the seat and the footrests ensures a healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise. The ideal butterfly station for gyms and open-minded sportspeople! Let`s ROC-IT®!4.899,00 €
Hoist ROC-IT 201 Lat Pulldown Machine (Esittelykappale)VarastossaThe unique lat pulldown machine from the ROC-IT Line by Hoist. The ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology revolutionises the fitness market. The dymanic motion leads to the highest possible activation of the muscles and makes strength training fun. Furthermore, a healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise is ensured by the tilting movement of the seat and the foot supports. The ideal lat pulldown machine for gyms and open-minded sportspeople! Let`s ROC-IT®!4.799,00 €
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