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Strength training machines and accessory for muscle building, strength-stamina, exercises, and more health
The term strength training summarizes the most different types of physical training. The aims of strength training are, i.e., muscle building, increase in muscle mass, a better coordination of muscles or more strength-stamina. Achieve more effectively and quicker your training aims with strength training equipment. Furthermore, exercising on strength equipment makes more fun, because it is more motivating and training successes are quicker visible.
Strength training is much more than just bodybuilding
Doing strength training at home, you build muscles. But there are many other training aims. Nowadays, as many people sit throughout their working days, challenging the muscles is important. Because: When muscles are not demanded, they degenerate. You can counteract it actively.
Moderate strength training with some exercises in the week can already counteract it. The use of strength training equipment improves your health as well. You look better, are more in shape, and better face the demands of everyday life.
Strength training machines - everything to make the body more in shape, slimmer, and fitter.
There is a multitude of different units and fitness machines for strength training and muscle building. Depending upon space or which training aims you want to achieve with strength training at home, we have compiled a lot of strength training equipment in our online shop for you:
- Ab machine/back machine: These little strength training machines are optimal for exercises strengthening the ab and back muscles. Stabilize your body and improve your posture by means of ab and back machines.
- Functional Training: This stands for workouts and strength training exercises where complexe movements are done. The training aim is not just muscle building but improvement of muscle coordination, flexibility, and stamina.
- Weight bench: Training benches are classic strength training equipment. Numberless strength workouts can be done on them. The best: you do not always need weights for strength training on a weight bench.
- Weights/weight sets: Of course, it is the classic for muscle building training. Old Egyptians and Greeks already used weights to keep in shape. Weight training offers an unbelievable freedom while exercising. There are numberless weight exercises to train your body and keep it in shape and healthy.
- Weight plates: No weight strength training without weight plates. There are those with 30 mm for strength training at home or those with 50 mm hole for professional workouts. Weight plates can also be used for own weight exercises.
- Bars: They are essential strength tools for muscle building with weights. Either strength training with barbells or dumbbells, they offer an unbelievable variety of exercises.
- Small strength machines: Many small machines, making the strength training and muscle building more effective. Of it weight stands, weight lifter gloves, collars for bars and many more.
- Multi-gym: the premier category for strength training at home. Strength training equipment supports your workout and offers a huge selection of exercises.
- Vibration plate: Even better effects are achieved in strength training due to vibrations doing vibration training. Up to 98 % of muscles in the body are demanded and trained.
- Gym strength equipment: Fitness equipment for effective muscle training. The gym strength machines fulfill highest demands and offer incomparable quality and stability.
- Barbell racks/Power Racks: Train intensively and comfortably with racks for barbells and power racks.
- Strength training accessory: Accessory for strength training and multi-gyms, i.e. training gloves, traction supports, handles, and weight plate stands.
Tips for strength training exercises
Being a beginner, you should ease into. About 48 hours should be taken as break in between the workouts on strength training equipment. Your muscles recover better. Muscle growth is accelerated. We happily advise you about the tope strength training and can help in compiling a training plan for strength training at home.