Hoist RS Pec Fly / Butterfly (Esittelykappale)

Tuotenro H-RS-1302-S-AUS
Enää 1 kpl varastossa.
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Toimittajana huolintaliike
Alennettuja yksittäiskappaleita
  • Teknisesti moitteeton
  • Täysi takuu
Tähän asti
4.899,00 €
Säästät %
30 päivän paras hinta 4.899,00 €
Rahoitus alkaen 118,75 €

  • Express-toimitus
    30,00 €
  • Gym quality!
  • Highly effective butterfly station for beginners, advanced and professional users of any age
  • The innovative ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology involves the whole body in the exercise
  • Head and back support provided by high-quality padding
  • 7,5cm x 7,5cm and 5cm x 7,5cm thick steel tubes provide high stability and sturdiness
  • Rubber feet for great stability and the protection of the floor
  • Non-slip for maximum safety
  • Safety instructions and weight scaling on the machine itself
  • Extra large handles and ergonomically shaped footrests
  • Easy to adjust seat, to suit different body heights
  • Multiple grip positions
  • Both large chest muscles can be exercised independently
  • Minimal strain on the shoulders
  • Innovative design
  • Towel and drinking bottle holder
  • Choice of frame colours: platinum or white
  • Choice of padding colours: light grey, dark grey, black, red, blue (other colours on request)
  • Hoist Silent Steel weight stack placed behind a shapely cover
  • Safe weight selection with a magnetic, self-locking pin
  • Weight stack: 100kg, divided into 7 x 6.80385 kg (15 lbs) and 5x 9.0718 kg (20lbs) weight plates (can be upgraded to 156kg, optional)
  • Total weight: 268kg
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 180 kg
  • Mitat - Hoist RS Pec Fly / Butterfly: (P) 187 cm x (L) 163 cm x (K) 141 cm

You would like to communicate that strength training can be fun at your gym?
You would like to provide your members with the most andvanced equipment?

With the Hoist ROC-IT® Line you will stand out from your competitors for sure. A total of 15 single stations from the Hoist ROC-IT® Line ensure that the strength training is effective and fun. The body is put into motion and becomes part of the respective exercise due to the ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology. Therefore, unlike when using ordinary strength training equipment, only minimal strain is put on the joints and the back. The body is freed from a static exercise positon and the motion is dynamic and biomechanically correct. The maximal radius of the muscle which is to be exercised not only leads to the maximum possible activation of the muscles but also a natural motion sequence. On top of that, the torso muscles are activated additionally during exercise and the change of the balance point compensated. The curved design of the Hoist ROC-IT® Line makes it a true head-turner. The Hoist ROC-IT® Line is suitable for beginners, advanced and professional users. Be inspired by the fascination of the Hoist ROC-IT® Line and experience the ROX® motion.

The Hoist "Pec Fly" butterfly station from the Hoist ROC-IT® Line convinces with high functionality and superb features. Featuring an adjustable seat, the machine can be adjusted to the body. Therefore, nothing stands in the way of a highly intense chest workout. The ROX® Technology prevents bad posture during the exercise and minimises the strain on the shoulders due to the tilting movement of the seat. The upper, middle and lower chest muscles are exercised. Furthermore, footrests prevent that the work is done with the legs. Therefore, the Hoist "Chest Press" butterfly station activates the chest muscles to the greatest extent.

Lisätietoja takuusta saat valmistajan takuuehdoista. Valmistajan takuu on valmistajan myöntämä lisätakuu, jolla ei ole vaikutusta lakisääteiseen kuluttajansuojaan.

Valmistajan takuu Liikkuvat osatLisävarusteetLaakerit, pyörätRunkoTäystakuu
Kotikäyttö ---30 vuotta10 vuotta
Puoliammattimainen käyttö 5 vuotta12 kk36 kk30 vuotta-
Ammattimainen käyttö 5 vuotta12 kk36 kk30 vuotta-

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Valitettavasti on tapahtunut virhe. Ole hyvä ja tarkista tietosi.

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Manufacturer Information

Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.
  • HOIST® Fitness Systems | HOIST LeMond® Series
    11900 Community Road, Poway,
    California 92064
  • +1 858 5787676 112
  • webprodsupport@hoistfitness.com

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