
Salta tarjoaa laajan valikoiman korkealuokkaisia kuntolaitteita ja lisävarusteita treeneihin kotona. Salta trampoliini tuotteiden avulla voit kohottaa kuntoa kotona tehokkaasti, pudottaa painoa ja pitää itsesi terveenä.
Fitshop tarkastaa jokaisen kuntolaitteen perin pohjin. Sen jälkeen kokeneista urheilutieteilijöistä, ammattiurheilijoista ja huoltoasentajista koostuva tiimimme arvioi eri kategorioiden tuotteet. Fitshopn testituloksen avulla voit helposti verrata tuotteita keskenään ja löytää juuri oikean laitteen omaa harjoitteluasi varten.
Salta tarjoaa laajan valikoiman korkealuokkaisia kuntolaitteita ja lisävarusteita treeneihin kotona. Salta trampoliini tuotteiden avulla voit kohottaa kuntoa kotona tehokkaasti, pudottaa painoa ja pitää itsesi terveenä.

Purchase a Salta Trampoline

Salta trampolines offer everything that you could wish for in a trampoline. Safety, quality and durability! Plus at a great price-perfomance ratio. The newly developed and optimised range of trampolines bring the fun into your garden while increasing your fitness.

Advantages of a Salta Trampoline

Here a few good reasons for purchasing a Salta Trampoline:
  • Salta exclusively uses high quality materials. The result being a secure and long lasting trampoline for children and adults alike.
  • An extra strong and wide protection ring completely covers the under lying springs. It is UV-resistant and double seamed.
  • The strong, galvanised double coned springs garantee the best spring quality.
  • The strong steel frame is also galvanised and therefore resistant to corrosion. This makes sure that the Salta trampolines can hold up against the weather.
  • It has an 8 seamed jumping mat.

The Salta Trampoline series

Green or black, small and compact or with a huge jumping area. The Salta trampolines are available in varying colours and sizes, so that the pefect model can be found for each and every garden.

The Salta First Class Series

The First Class Series from Salta is the luxury model of Salta trampolines with the best quality of materials. Along with an extra strong frame, a tightly knit net in which fingers can't get caught in as well as thickly padded posts that accidentally hits are optimally absorbed.

The Salta Premium Black Edition

The elegant design of the Salta Trampoline Premium Black Edition makes this model a pleasing eye-catcher in your garten. Another special feature is that the top of the net is additionally held together with a fibreglass ring.

Salta Excellent Ground

The Salta Trampoline Excellent Ground as an in-ground variant is set into the ground. This has the advantage that your view of the garden remains un-blocked. A safety net for such in-ground models, while recommened, is not necessary.
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Euroopan kuntolaitteiden ykkönen
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