Osta Matrix crosstrainerit Euroopan kotikuntoilun ykköseltä
Matrix valikoima koostuu useista korkealuokkaisista laitteista, joiden avulla parannat kuntoasi. Matrix crosstrainerit laitteiden lisäksi tarjolla on valtaisa lisävarusteiden valikoima. Paljon iloa treeneihin Matrix-laitteilla!
VarastossaThe E50 by Matrix with an integrated XUR console in gym-quality is ideal for your comfortable endurance training within your own four walls. The crosstrainer provides you with individual training units and an excellent console with modern entertainment programmes. Due to its innovative technology, the E50 does not necessitate rollers or rails - therefore enjoy quiet training with the best entertainment.5.799,00 €
VarastossaThe Matrix Crosstrainer E50 xer combines compact dimensions with a joint-protecting movement action. Additionally, the E50 has the smart XER console, which enables you to train interactively.4.799,00 €
VarastossaMatrix fitness equipment is known worldwide as a first-class gym brand. Now you have the chance to bring the premium collection home. An extensive range contains the right piece of equipment with different console configurations for any form of training and every training goal. With the Matrix Crosstrainer E50 xir you can complete full-body training while protecting your joints.5.299,00 €
VarastossaMatrix fitness – bring gym-quality home now
Matrix fitness equipment is known worldwide as a first-class gym brand. Now you have the chance to bring the premium collection home. An extensive range contains the right piece of equipment with different console configurations for any form of training and every training goal. With the Matrix Crosstrainer E50 xr you can complete full-body training while protecting your joints.3.899,00 €-
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