Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles
Tuotenro LP-LP8111-4
Express-toimitus19,90 €
- LIVEPRO Medicine Ball with Handles for functional training
- For throwing exercises, as a weight replacement or kettlebell alternative
- To improve agility, speed of reaction and endurance
- Material: high-quality rubber
- Available in commonplace weights: 4kg - 8kg
Kuvaus: Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles
The LIVEPRO Medicine Ball with Handles
The Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles is the ideal functional training companion. Different, versatile throwing exercises can be carried out or reaction speed and agility can be built upon. Thanks to the grip holes at the top and bottom, the medicine ball can be used as a weight replacement for dumbbells or for swinging exercises, such as those with a kettlebell.For beginners and advanced users
The Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles is made of high-quality rubber and available in different weight classes between 4kg and 8kg. The LIVEPRO medicine ball challenges both beginners and experienced users at every fitness level. Irrespective of the goals, whether mobility improvement, strength, stamina or explosiveness, these areas can be optimally trained with the medicine balls and success can be quickly achieved.- Diameter: 25cm: 4kg, 5kg
- Diameter: 27.5cm: 6kg, 7kg
- Diameter: 30cm: 8kg
Takuuehdot: Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles
Lisätietoja takuusta saat valmistajan takuuehdoista. Valmistajan takuu on valmistajan myöntämä lisätakuu, jolla ei ole vaikutusta lakisääteiseen kuluttajansuojaan.
Valmistajan takuu | Täystakuu |
Kotikäyttö | 24 kk |
Livepro Medicine Ball with Handles testi & arvostelut
Manufacturer Information
Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.- LivePro Fitness
Biedenkamp 3b
21509 Glinde
Germany - +49 40 22854471
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