
Osta kuntokeskus Euroopan kotikuntoilun ykköseltä

A multi-gym is multifunctional item of training equipment and a personal gym for your home!
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    3x erinomainen
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman lisälaite dippiharjoituksia ja jalkojennostoja varten
    • Korkeus vapaasti valittavissa
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman dippiasema Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman dippiasema Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman dippiasema Palkinnot
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    3x erinomainen
    Taurus Sterling -sarjaan kuuluu treeniasemia ammattikäyttöön kuntosaleilla ja vastaavissa liikuntakeskuksissa. Näihin erittäin lujatekoisiin ja tehokkaisiin laitteisiin voidaan lisätä lisävarusteena saatavia levypainoja vastuksen säätämiseksi. Taurus Iso Bicep Curl Sterling -treeniasemassa on lisäksi useita paikkoja levypainojen säilyttämistä varten.
    OVH 2.790,00 -10%
    Nyt 2.490,00
    30 päivän paras hinta 2.490,00
    • Taurus Iso Bicep Curl Sterling Palkinnot
    • Taurus Iso Bicep Curl Sterling Palkinnot
    • Taurus Iso Bicep Curl Sterling Palkinnot
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    The high-quality ROC-IT Line outer thigh machine by Hoist. The ROX (Ride Oriented Exercise) technology has revolutionised the fitness market. Dynamic movements activate the muscles and make strength training fun. A healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise is guaranteed by the machine's head and leg support and foot rests. Ideal for innovative gyms and open-minded athletes! Let's ROC-IT®!
  • Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 25
    The Hammer Strength by Life Fitness multi-gym Select Full Lat Pulldown is an essential fitness machine for the commercial use. The training with a lat pulldown is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the back muscles. The very sturdy and attractive lat pulldown of the company Hammer Strength by Life Fitness can be easily adjusted and is equipped with a comfortable upholstery as well.
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    The unique butterfly station from the ROC-IT Line by Hoist. The ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology revolutionises the fitness market. The dymanic motion leads to the highest possible activation of the muscles and makes strength training fun. Furthermore, the tilting movement of the seat and the footrests ensures a healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise. The ideal butterfly station for gyms and open-minded sportspeople! Let`s ROC-IT®!
  • Hoist RS Prone Leg Curl (Esittelykappale)
    Dynamic adjustment is the keyword for the Hoist commercial strength machines of the RS-Line like the Prone Leg Curl with 81 kg weight block. Due to the patented ROC-IT tilting motion while exercising, the joints are stressed to a minimum for maximum training efficiency. Your customers will love it.
  • 2 Arvostelut
    3x erinomainen
    • Power Tower ja dippi-/ja jalannostoasema, leuanvetoasema, treenipenkkimoduuli ja pehmusterullat vatsatreeniin
    • Tehokasta harjoittelua kehon painolla pienissäkin tiloissa
    OVH 799,00 -12%
    Nyt 699,00
    30 päivän paras hinta 699,00
    Esittelykappale alkaen 379,00
    • Taurus Power Tower Pro Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Tower Pro Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Tower Pro Palkinnot
  • Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 25
    The Hammer Strength by Life Fitness multi-gym Select Biceps Curl Pult is a classic fitness machine for the isolated training of the arm muscles. The ideal use of the curl pult is given in the fitness gym or other fitness institutions. Due to its sturdy design and the high-quality workmanship, the curl pult easily resists higher loads as well.
  • Toimitettavissa aikaisintaan vk 25
    The Hammer Strength by Life Fitness multi-gym Select Triceps Extension is a fitness machine for the training of the triceps for commercial use. Thanks to its excellent ergonomics, the exercises for the triceps can be done in a very comfortable and very effective way. The easy seat adjustment provides a comfortable training for persons of each height.
  • alkaen 4.499,00
    • Varustelu
    • Tukevuus
    • Harjoitusvaihtoehdot
    • Säädettävyys
  • Varastossa
    The unique lat pulldown machine from the ROC-IT Line by Hoist. The ROX® (Ride Oriented Exercise) Technology revolutionises the fitness market. The dymanic motion leads to the highest possible activation of the muscles and makes strength training fun. Furthermore, a healthy and biomechanically correct execution of the exercise is ensured by the tilting movement of the seat and the foot supports. The ideal lat pulldown machine for gyms and open-minded sportspeople! Let`s ROC-IT®!
  • Varastossa
    3x erinomainen
    Taurus Premium Hooks ovat Taurus Power Cage -treeniasemaan tarkoitettuja lisäturvalaitteita. Ne antavat lisäturvaa ja tekevät harjoittelusta mukavampaa.
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman koukut Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman koukut Palkinnot
    • Taurus Power Cage -treeniaseman koukut Palkinnot
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Euroopan kuntolaitteiden ykkönen
67 myymälää Euroopassa