
Osta Duke Fitness crosstrainer Euroopan kotikuntoilun ykköseltä

Duke Fitness tarjoaa laajan valikoiman korkealuokkaisia kuntolaitteita ja lisävarusteita treeneihin kotona. Duke Fitness crosstrainer tuotteiden avulla voit kohottaa kuntoa kotona tehokkaasti, pudottaa painoa ja pitää itsesi terveenä.
  • 9 Arvostelut
    Step by step to better fitness, a firm bottom and a slimmer waist! With the compact Deluxe Fitness Stepper from Duke Fitness, the leg and buttock muscles, by far the largest muscle group in the body, are the focus. Therefore, the calorie consumption is particularly high and training on the stepper is also great for losing weight.
    OVH 449,00 -22%
    Nyt 349,00
    30 päivän paras hinta 299,00
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    • Tukevuus
  • 6 Arvostelut
    The Duke Fitness Stepper Plus combines the classic stepper with the elements from the cross trainer, this being a real asset for anyone wanting to bring some more movement into everyday life. The Stepper Plus is space-saving, super quiet and is simply fun to train on.
    OVH 499,00 -20%
    Nyt 399,00
    30 päivän paras hinta 399,00
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    • Tukevuus
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