Berg AirHive Jump Tracker
Tuotenro BT-
Express-toimitus19,90 €
- Berg AirHive Jump Tracker: super jump tracker for more fun when trampolining
- To be attached to the ankle
- Numerous games and exercises
- You can share your own scores, statistics and videos or challenge other community members via the Berg AirHive online community
- Smartphone pairing via Bluetooth
- The Berg AirHive app is available in the App Store and on Google Play
Kuvaus: Berg AirHive Jump Tracker
Berg AirHive Jump Tracker: even more fun when jumping
The Berg AirHive is a jump tracker that, together with the free Berg AirHive app, offers great fun while trampolining. You can connect the Berg AirHive to a smartphone via Bluetooth and record all movements on the trampoline. A variety of games and exercises provide additional fun. It is also possible to share your own scores, statistics and videos with other trampolinists via the BERG AirHive online community.Takuuehdot: Berg AirHive Jump Tracker
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Berg AirHive Jump Tracker testi & arvostelut
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Manufacturer Information
Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.- BERG Toys B.V.
PO Box 73
6710 BB Ede
The Netherlands - +31 2821 7776571
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