
Holodia - All categories in an overview (1)
With Holodia, you will easily reach your workout goals. The company Holodia has developed an interactive virtual fitness world called Holofit, which lets you experience a new workout sensation. In this virtual reality, you experience a computer-generated environment in real time while you work out on your fitness equipment at home. Get onto your fitness equipment, connect it to Holofit through Bluetooth or a cadence sensor, put on the VR (virtual reality) glasses, and dive into exciting virtual worlds! The Holofit application can be used on rowing machines, cross-trainers, ergometers, and indoor bikes. You will get both the individual VR glasses, which you can use with your existing fitness equipment, and sets of glasses and endurance training equipment at attractive prices. Holofit offers virtual coaching, original interactive worlds, and exciting competitions that take place both online and locally. With the Holofit app, you have the option anytime of recording your stretches, seeing your competitions, comparing yourself with other users, and communicating with them. Choose one of three subscriptions. Choose from 3 months, 12 months, or lifetime access and start working out today.
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