
Airex exercise mats: stay active!
Airex has been the Number One supplier of high-quality therapy, sports, and leisure mats and balance pads for over 50 years. Practical accessories for safe stowage and storage of Airex exercise mats optimally round off the product range. The many years of experience, the expertise of the market leader, and Swiss premium quality are incorporated into the development of Airex products in a tangible way. High-quality materials for professional use guarantee that the quality is maintained for a long time even after intensive use. The gymnastics mats with the typical horizontal stripes are used not only at therapy practices and rehab clinics but also at schools, kindergartens, sports clubs, and fitness studios – they can simply be used anywhere!
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Valget af et optimalt underlag er afgørende for, hvor meget lyst man har til at træne. Airex træningsmåtten til fitness og fritid udmærker sig især ved en optimal dæmpning. Anvendelsen af skumstof af høj kvalitet garanterer, at du ikke kan mærke gulvet. Den tyske producent Gaugler & Lutz er specialist inden for skumstof og andre industriprodukter. Mange års erfaring og egen produktion gør Airex til brancheførende firma indenfor gymnastik- og fitnessmåtter.
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36x i Tyskland
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67x i Europa